
Education Committee

Chair John Doe, The Main Company
Brief information about what the Education Committee does and/or how it  works.

Governmental Affairs Committee

Chair Jane Doe, My Business, Inc.
Brief information about what the Governmental Affairs Committee does and/or how it works.

Industrial Advisory Committee

Chair John Smith, Frist Bank
Brief information about what the Industrial Advisory Committee does and/or how it works.

Retail Committee

Chair Sue Smith, Home Made & More
Brief information about what the Retail Committee does and/or how it works.

Small Business Committee

Co-Chair Jane Smith, Law Offices
Co-Chair Billy Bob, Community Financial

Brief information about what the Small Business Committee does and/or how it works.

Ambassadors Committee

Chair Jill Smith, Florist Co.
Brief information about what the Ambassadors Committee does and/or how it works.

The Golf Outing Committee

Chair: John Doe, Jr., The Main Company
Brief information about what the Golf Outing Committee does and/or how it works.



Committee work can be fun and a great way to network with other members.