
National Retail and Independent Stores Find Anytown Attractive

Anytown has a dynamic retail environment with many different options for retailers to locate in successful locations.  The community supports extensive independent retail, while having multiple chain stores located in high traffic areas.  The community is highly affluent with about 70% of the population employed in white-collar occupations.  Anytown and the surrounding communities annually have the lowest unemployment rates in the state and below the national average unemployment rate.

Statistics on Anytown


  • Total Population: 37,000
  • Within five miles of Anytown: 175,000

Education Level:

  • Residents with Bachelor’s degree or higher: 42%
  • National Average: 24%


  • Average household income over $75,000: 50%
  • Average household income over $100,000: 29%
  • Average household income over $150, 0000: 12%

Age of Population:

  • Under 20: 23%
  • 20-55: 48%
  • 55-64: 10%
  • 65 & Older: 19%

Statistics derived from previous census.